Dutch Immersion Resources

Here is a list of Dutch TV shows, podcasts, radio programs, and websites that I find useful for Dutch immersion. I will continue updating this list as I come across more resources.

TV ShowsPermalink

  • Het KlokhuisPermalink


    Children’s educational programming that covers a wide variety of topics. An excellent vocabulary building and listening resource. Some episodes occasionally have small skits. Subtitles are often available.

  • NOS JeugdjournaalPermalink


    Children’s news program produced by NOS. Covers current news events in clear, simple language. I always find the subjects interesting. Subtitles are not always available.

  • Wie is de MolPermalink


    Dutch reality TV show where contestants solve puzzles and try to figure out who in the group is the “mol”. What is the “mol” exactly? You’ll have to watch in Dutch to find out! Subtitles are available.

  • Zondag met LubachPermalink


    Entertaining Dutch satire show. The host is a bit of a fast talker, but you can slow the video down if you need to (I need to). Subtitles are usually available.

  • Studio SnuggerPermalink


    Really fun kids TV show where the audience tries to guess if something is true or “kletspraat”. Subtitles are sometimes available.

Podcasts / RadioPermalink


  • weerplaza.nlPermalink


    Yes, weather. “regen”, “bui”, and “nevelig” are among some very important Dutch words that you will discover on weerplaza.nl, but you’ll learn a whole lot more than that: the site has a treasure trove of high quality videos that all have subtitles.

  • vi.nlPermalink


    Highlights and news from European football leagues with an emphasis on Dutch coverage.

  • Metro NieuwsPermalink


    Dutch news website.

Dutch Language Learning WebsitesPermalink